Programme with the Mouse Day on 03.10.2018

The "Door-opener Day" of the "Programme with the Mouse 

On 03.10.2018 the HUTSCHN workshop opened its doors again

3 October is not only German Unity Day, but is also a day for children and families: "Die Sendung mit der Maus" (WDR) called for the eighth nationwide Door Opener Day in 2018. Between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m., there were also live factual stories in the workshop in Bischofswiesen. HUTSCHN workshop in Bischofswiesen. General information from WDR about the nationwide Door Opener Day can also be found here.

When, where and how?!

On 3 October, the HUTSCHN-workshop in 83483 Bischofswiesen opened its doors for the second time for big and small children...

At various stations, we showed and explained to curious MouseFans how the Hutschn and, for example, how the ropes are spliced by hand.

Be there when the HUTSCHN arise

On the door-opening day, one could discover what individual parts a HUTSCHN consists of.

In addition, all visitors were able to swing extensively on swings with especially long ropes. 

Transparent workshop

At HUTSCHN we rely on transparency per se. 

We are pleased if we were able to provide one or two mouse fans with even more insight on Door Opener Day.

Own factual story about the swing workshop

The WDR team was on site for three days and also filmed a factual story about the construction of the swings. You can find the corresponding TV report here: