A handover with much joy

During the district festival in Parsch/Salzburg on 29.09.2018, more than 30 children are amazed when the HUTSCHN swing was assembled by ICS employees. With great admiration, the girls and boys tested the handmade swing and visibly show their delight. One week later, the next swing will be installed at the SOS Mother-Child-WG in Seekirchen, where 6 more families will enjoy it.

An initiative of the ICS Culture Team

This action originates from the internal Culture Team of the IT subsidiary of the SPAR Group. The team consists of several employees from different departments who promote and manage cultural topics in the company. More than 400 employees had the opportunity to send in 2 location suggestions. By drawing lots from the Culture Team, the scout group S8 and the SOS Mother and Child WG were chosen.

You can find the original SPAR ICS article here in the link.